Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Next Wave of Awakening and Knowing Shift

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello beloved family, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the divine.  We are noticing a lot of issues surfacing in many right now, as many start to join the awakening process.  The dramas and challenges are teaching lessons of choices to either wake up or watch out.  Those who choose to stay in their imbalanced ways will be hit by major lessons that will cause pain, hardship and old patterns surface.  These lessons are the universes way of redirecting these people inwards to find the divinity that has been locked away for eons throughout humanity. 

As many souls awaken, they have to face the inner demons that they created through fear, doubt, anger, sadness, hate and many other imbalanced lower dimensional thought patterns.  This will cause a brief difficult period for these group of people across the planet.  It also will cause the next pattern of spiritual awakening that's going to vibrate throughout your planet.  These group of people will have the opportunity to shift to a higher state of awareness by facing these issues or blockages that has been dormant through their genetic lineage and past life experiences.

A KNOWING is going to start to hit those have awakened in previous years. This will cause an acceloration of energy right through the 11/11/11 Gateway matrix shift. This time is one of the most powerful times energetically to hit your planet.  It will be one of the best times ever to meditate and pray.  We see many of you start to actually incorporate meditation and prayers in your lives regularly during this time frame and beyond.  It will be your traditional way of living from here on out.  This time is when you realize faithfully that divine connection truly happens through meditation and prayer.  You are truly regaining the memory that the connection with the divine is vital to create a balanced life for you. 

We are very impressed with the work you all have done throughout the past month.  We can feel the acceloration happening across your planet, solar system and galaxy.  Keep up the great work.  Remember to breath, relax, let go and be the person you are meant to be.  You all are truly divine beings.  It is time to take a stand and remember your divinity.  The divine in us salutes the divine within you.  We are one.  Namaste

Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/11 Portal opens up the next wave of awakening souls.

Channeled through Eric Breault

Hello beloved ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  It's been an intense summer for many of you.  A lot of rearanging and organizing with self was your main focus.  The process of awakening can seem tedious at times.  Just know that everything is coming together in divine order.  Your transition in the next few months are going to go up another level.  The next Energetic Wave is vibrating through your earth plane.  Starting the process of awakening for many who haven't joined this process yet.

This wave began to hit during the 9/11/11 awakening portal in New York City at the 9/11 memorial between 9:11 and 11:11 on that date.  It is one of the most powerful events to hit your world.  It was vibrating right through the whole earth grid matrix.  This collective event allowed the start of the energetic gateway opening that will last through 11/11/11. This time frame is going to be the most powerful period for many of you.  Every one of you will have the opportunity to awaken to your true potential.  You will be tapping into lost gifts that have been hidden for eons. 

This time frame will be a great time to pray and meditate.  The more of you who partake in the prayers and meditations, the more that the you and earth will shift to a higher vibrational state.  You all are part of this awakening process. You are the cocreators of this shift that will happen throughout your planetary system.   It's not localized to just to your Solar System, your whole Milky Way is experiencing this amazing energy.  It's vibrating right through out the whole Milky Way Grid Matrix.  Your central sun in your galaxy is pulsating with vibrant energy that's rippling outwards.  This awakening is much grander than you all think.  You are going to realize that the Universe is much stranger than what was percieved by all of you.  There are more than what meets the eye. 

Live a day at a time.  Be true to yourself, so that you can be true to others.  Live in great respect for all walks of life.  Give yourself the opportunity to smile and laugh throughout your day.  You are all meant to find peace, joy and happiness in your life.  You are all truly ready to blossom to your true potential.  Take a stand and join the ranks of higher dimensional beings.  It is time to be at home in the universe again.  You all are children of the universe.  We welcome you.  The divine within us blesses the divine with you.  We are one. Namaste

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Channeled Through Eric Breault

Introduction/Origin of the Messages

Hello, We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  It is a joy to be speaking through Eric Breault.  The message we relay through him, actually comes from the source energy called god.  We don't seek any ownership in source energy.  Anyone who ever says that the messages comes from them, have the tendency to distort the message through ego. Whenever egoic spiritual messengers try to control the masses, they tend to create fear and distortion among humanity.  These messages actually gets distorted because it gets clouded by ego and separation.  Anyone who ever separates themselves from god, can't relay messages of truth to the masses. The message we relay creates love, truth and honesty.  The purpose of the messages are supposed to awaken humanity to their true divine nature and overcome the trap of the matrix.  We are here to assist you to see beyond the illusion of the Matrix.  Know it is so. 

Overcome the Matrix

Your world has lived in the trap of the Matrix for thousands of years.  This trap comes from a world who believed that they are separate from god energy.  This separation creates the knowledge of good and evil.  The trap of the Matrix prevents you from seeing that heaven is actually already on Earth.  From the control of the Matrix; you live in a world full of illnesses, diseases, pain, fear, hatred and sadness.  This control creates the illusion of being separate from god.  It is time for you to move beyond the trap of the matrix.  You have the ability to work with the matrix, rather than it controlling you.  You can create your own portal where heaven starts manifesting in all areas of your own life.  By working with the Matrix, you can manifest health, abundance and prosperity.  By allowing yourself to work with the Matrix, you open doorways for others to follow the same path as you.   

The Matrix Change

We notice that there has been a major change in the Matrix around your planet in the past couple of months, since the major alteration in the magnetic pole change around the first of the year.  We want you to understand that you all are part of the contribution of the magnetic field change.   Through god, you all create your own reality.  Collectively you are all changing the magnetic field by learning to work with the Matrix, rather than it working against you.  There will be more changes throughout the magnetic field in the coming year as you learn to overcome the control of the Matrix.  You will be learning to bridge heaven and earth as the trap of the Matrix disappears.  The third dimensional world as you know it, is in the process of dying. The bridging of heaven and earth will create a new 5th dimensional earth that perceives beyond fear, anger, anxiety and doubt. 


We are truly blessed to be working with all of you.  Just know that we will work with you more and more as you release yourselves from the trap of the Matrix.  You all are ready to see beyond the Matrix illusion.  Just know that everything is in divine order.  Trust and have faith in the process of overcoming the Matrix.  The heavenly light in us honors the heavenly light in you.  We are one.  Namaste.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Coming Together/March 24, 2011

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello kindred ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  We are noticing that there is a coming together of pure souls happening throughout your planet.  This coming together is part of the divine plan.  Coming together is going to intensify this year as disasters and chaos envelope your whole planet.  In the midst of chaos, there will be miraculous events happening.  Part of the miracles will be the major social changes in stagnant countries like Libya, Iran, Israel and other countries throughout the middle east.  These countries are uniting and creating a positive social change that will liberate themselves from the fear based government. This social change is going to spread to many other countries around the world.  It will allow humanity take a quantum leap in consciousness.  You all are truly ready to transition to a new world.  Know it is so.

The miracles will happen more frequently as you join forces with many like yourselves.  This gathering of loving souls like yourselves is going allow for the push of social change to happen throughout your own communities. The coming together of the pure ones is going to happen in all the light cities throughout your planet.  You will find that the gathering is part of the natural process of a major awakening happening across your planet.  You will discover that the coming together in light communities will open up doorways of truth and awareness of your oneness connection with god.  As the pure souls gather in intensity this year, it will allow for the circle of love to expand into higher states of consciousness.  Allowing your light to shine freely along with the coming together of pure souls is going to accelerate the process of awakening. The more you shine freely together in groups, the quicker the New Earth is going to play out.  Just know that heaven is already on earth beloveds.  Embrace the changes wholeheartedly.  Everything is in alignment with the universe.  -

Remember, we are here to assist you.  It is vital to keep knowing that everything is working out perfectly.  Keep up the great work.  Perseverance is the key.  Keep on walking straight down the path with total trust and faith.  Enjoy the journey of awakening.  Know that the universe is for you.  Blessings of light.  We are one.  Namaste

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Letting go of Drama/March 23, 2011

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello beloved ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  We feel that there are important areas that needs to be dealt with energetically.  We are here to assist you in dealing with them.  Understand, everything is a process.  It is vital that you trust the wisdom we share with you.  This wisdom comes from a pure source called Universal Mind, God, Brahma or whatever you call this universal being.  We are so honored to be assisting you through the process of shifting to a higher state of consciousness. It is vital that you work with the important areas that are inhibiting you from reaching a pure state of consciousness because the dramas will knock you down on the ground, if you don't let them go.  Just know that everything is in divine order.  Allow faith and trust to envelope your whole being and shift you.  Know it is so. 

There are many of you still dwelling on the dramas of life.  The dramas manifesting in your life intensely at this time are messages for you to let go of the karma that has been held onto you for a very long time.  They are surfacing because you need to face all the inner demons and pains you have collected from the past experiences.  By not facing them, you will continue to experience the dramas in a large scale.  Plus, the more you separate yourself from god, the more dramas play out in your life.  So let god in and everything will flow smoothly for you.  Allow the knowing to flow through you freely and everything will play out perfectly for you.  Embrace the free flowing energies and the road ahead of you will straighten.  You are truly ready to walk through the doorway of liberation from drama.  It is time to soar freely like a butterfly.  Just release, relax and let go. Know that all is well.  

We are here to assist you facing the dramas in life, so that you can let them go.  Allow us to come and work with you.  Just know that we are working with god in this.  It is time for you to allow god to flow through you freely.  By doing this, we will work with you.  Embrace the fact that we are here to work with you wholeheartedly.  The choice is yours to work with us.  It is time to trust the process awakening.  You all are truly blessed to be living in a time of major transformation that is happening across your planet.  It is such an honor to be working with you. The light in us honors the light in you.  We are one.  Namaste

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Power Moon Wave/March 22, 2010

Channeled Through Eric Breault


Hello beloveds, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  So much has happened in the past week, in relation to the moon and spring equinox.  The process of ascension actually went up another level because of the intensity of the moon.  The moon is at it's closest in almost two decades.  This caused a lot of push and pull with the moon and earth.  The pressure of the moon being at it's closest actually attributed the Japanese earthquake to happen.  The earth's plate tectonics are very sensitive right now.  The sensitivities are creating greater chances of seismic activity throughout the ring of fire. Important to keep yourself in a state of faith and love throughout the major changes going on in Japan and other areas along the ring of fire.  Just know that all is well.  There are many miracles happening around you.  It is important to focus on the grand things that are happening in your life.
The Connection
There is a connection with the loosening and tightening of the plate tectonics with the loosening and tightening of the the human skull, especially on top of the head area.  You may notice headaches, head expansion, strange energy sensations and twitches in the head area.  The rearrangement of the skull is reflecting the rearrangement of the plates on earth. Trust this process of the shifting of your head area.  This process of the head area shifting is all preparing for you to what is to come.  You are going to start to awaken to the intuitive abilities that was lost among all of you a long time ago.  You are truly ready for regaining these abilities that you are meant to be utilized.  Just know that all is in divine order.  

The Noticing/Conclusion

You also may notice a lot more energy surges flowing through your body.  Your dreams maybe heightened and dramatic.  It is vital that you do not be attached to the changes that you are noticing throughout your body.  Just let the process do it's thing.  Allow the energy to flow through you freely like the water channeling down the mountain.  Enjoy the ride dear ones.  You are truly becoming the enlightened being you are.  You are preparing yourself for the new way of being.  We are truly blessed in the work you have done so far.  Keep up the wonderful work.  All the work you have done in the past are going to reap rewards this year.  Trust and know it is so.  The blessing of light within us shines the blessing of light within you.  We are one.  Namaste

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pure Energetic Vibes/March 18, 2011

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  We are enjoying the vibrational shift that is going on within and around you.  The more you lift higher, the more apt we are going to work with you.  We stay away from those who don't have the pure energetic vibes.  More interaction with us comes when you are in alignment with the pure energetic vibes that flow through you.  It is time for you to express your pure nature.  Allow your pure energy to shine freely like the sun in your solar system.  Know it is so.

You will find that in the coming weeks, more people who are aligned with the pure energetic vibes that flow freely through them will be drawn to you.  Those who aren't in alignment with the pure energy will stay away from you.  Only those who resonate with each other will come together.  Those who are dark will be drawn to other dark energetic beings, while those who are light will be drawn to other light energetic beings.  This joining forces of dark and light is called the polarization.  This polarization is all a natural part of the shift in consciousness that is happening throughout your planet.  There is no good and bad in any of this.  It's all in perfect divine order.  Trust and have faith in the process of this awakening.  You are truly ready to remember who you are.  The awakening and remembering who you are is all a knowing for you. 

You will be manifesting grand things this year.  Many miracles are going to be happening through and around you.  Even though that the world seems to be falling apart, you will know that all is well.  You will find that many people will be relocating in the coming year.  Those who relocate will be going to areas that resonate with them.  When you feel guided to move to an area that resonates with you, do it.  Moving to this new area will allow for you to be true with yourself and others. Perhaps a move for you won't be necessary because you maybe in an area that already resonates with you. Being in the area that resonates with you, means that you will be seeing many relocating to your area.  Everything is going according to divine plan.  Keep trusting the knowing that is flowing through you.  Just relax and enjoy the flow of the knowing channeling through you. Keep up the great work.

We are truly blessed to be working extensively with all of you.  The pure energetic vibes channeling through us channels through you.  We are one.  Namaste

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Manifesting Lucky Energies/March 15, 2010

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello beloveds, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  We feel that it's important to emphasize that an energetic download in the past few days have allowed for more karmic energies to surface within you.  This brought about  stressful situations to show themselves around you. Just know that this is all part of the process of letting go of all the negative karma that has been holding onto you for a very long time.  The energy surging through you will allow for you to progress and move beyond the trap of the matrix.  Know it is so.

It is time to allow for the lucky energies to flow through you.  Luck all has to do with choice.  You are ready to go beyond the drama of the third dimensional realm. Now, open yourself to the lucky energies that are flowing through you.  Allowing for luck to vibrate through your whole being will allow for lucky situations to be drawn to you.  Be your own Leprechaun.   Yes, live a life like a Leprechaun who lives in total trust with attracting lucky situations.  It is vital to leave out analyzing and questioning the luck that is flowing through you because all they do is inhibit the flow.  Stopping the lucky flow will not allow for you to manifest positive situations in your life.  Just know that manifestation is going to happen much quicker in the coming months as the energy shifts you to a higher state of consciousness.

Remember, to be thankful with all the wonderful things that are being attracted to you.  It is important that you have a sense of gratitude and appreciation with everything in your life. Accept your oneness with the god energy.  It is time to see yourself as one family on planet Earth.  You are all truly blessed.  We all love you dearly.  The luck within us salutes the luck in you.  We are one.  Namaste

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Awakening Love/March 15, 2010

Channeled through Eric Breault

Hello beloveds.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  It is a joy to be working with all of you. We are continually assisting all of you through the transformation process that is playing out presently. This acceleration is going to be building in the next few weeks though the Spring Equinox.  This process is going to guide you to a higher state of consciousness.  As you move through the Equinox, you will notice that everything around and within you is going to begin to feel a lot more surreal.  The colors around you will be heightened and the energy will be channeling through you a lot more smoothly.   Embrace the higher energetic state that is ready to envelope your whole being in the coming weeks.  Feel it lift you to a pure state of consciousness.  You are all truly blessed to be experiencing these changes going on in all avenues of your present life situation.  Know it is so.

It is time to awaken to the love that you are.  Just allow the awakening of love to flow through you a lot more smoothly.  You now have the key to open the darkened door ahead of you.  Allow the energetic key to flow through you and the door ahead of you will open. This open door will guide you to a higher state of awareness of the love that you are.  You are truly ready to be true to yourself and others.  You are ready to see that all are one.  It is time for you to guide others to the doorway of love.  You are truly all brothers and sisters on planet Earth and beyond.  It is time to join the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  Know it is so.  We are so thankful for the wonderful work you have done in the past decade.  All this work is going to reap rewards in the near future.  You are all ready to join us.  We are looking forward to our meet.  Keep up with the wonderful work dear ones.  Blessings of truth beloveds.  We are all one.  Namaste

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11th, 2011/Energy Wave

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello beloveds, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  You may have noticed strange energies in the past few days.  It has been building in the past week.   You may have noticed unusual body twitches and movements caused by the building of energy.  This building of energy among many of you is reflecting the building of energy just off the coast of Japan.  Now, you are releasing the energy that has building inside of you on the 11th day and 11th year of March.  Remember, the symbol of 11 11 is a gateway to ascension.  You are shaking off all the dense energy that has been with you for a long time.  Just like the earthquake releasing the density of mother earth Gaia.  We emphasize that the earthquake in Japan isn't meant to bring about fear in many of you. It's vital that you focus on the love that is building inside of you.  Trust the process of allowing the love to build and envelope your whole being.  The best you can do for Japan is pray, send healing and protection to them.  Just know that all is well with them.  You will see that many around the world are going to help that country recuperate from this mega disaster.  It will actually bring the world closer together.  All great things come from a disaster.  There will be more to follow this year.  Just know that the disasters this year are meant to shift you to a higher state of consciousness and bring about positive change throughout your planet.

In the coming days you are going to feel an expansion of consciousness with unusual dreams.  You will start to remember many past life experiences.  There will also be a feeling of constant deja-vu (familiarity) in your everyday experiences.  You will notice people shifting a lot more around you.  The road ahead of you is straight and smooth.  Know it is so.

We are very impressed by the wonderful progress you have made in the past week.  Just know that we are working with you.  We would like for you to view us as not higher, but equal.  It is important to express thanks towards us as well.  We always thank you for teaching us that strength and perseverance can happen in a fear based world like yours.  Gratitude is going to be a way of life for all of you.  You are truly blessed dear ones.  It's an honor to be working with all of you.  The light in us respects the light in you.  Namaste

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9, 2011/The Acceleration

Hello beloved ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  We are working with you more and more everyday.  There is an intensification of energy going on among many of you right now.  This energy is electrifying.  It is vital that you breathe and drink lots of water.  The lack of water will get you to the point of frying and getting burnt out.  Water is very grounding.  We insist strongly that you do this.  You are very important to us because of your strong purpose on earth.  You have been sent here to awaken humanity to their fullest potential. Yes, you are the angels who have been sent to earth by god.  Know that you are one with God, Source Energy, Universal mind, Tao and Brahma.  It doesn't matter what you call god.  In essence, god is light and sound that flows through all things.  God energy flowing through all things is called omnipresent.  God is everywhere present.  It is vital to take no ownership in the energy.  Just allow the knowing flow through you.  This knowing is known as omniscient.  God is all knowing.  This all knowing energy is going to be accelerating in the coming days.  Just know that it's all in perfect divine order.  This energy maybe over empowering at times because it is awakening the dormant DNA.  This electrifying energy is burning away all of the egoic third dimensional energy.  You are shifting towards the fifth dimensional frequency.  This shift is making your body crystalline in structure.  You will notice that you are going to get youthful in appearance and the energy level flowing through you will be heightened.  This powerful god energy is creating a stronger crystalline body.   You even will notice that you are shifting to a higher energetic state.  

Understand, first contact is coming very soon dear ones.  We will be joining you this year.  You are no longer alone in the universe.  You are being indoctrinated into the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  Know it is so.  We are truly blessed to be working with you.  We are so thankful for the work you have done.  It is coming fast beloveds.  Trust the process and everything will workout perfectly for you.  The light in us salutes the light in you.  Namaste

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8th, 2010

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Feel and Trust the Changes

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.  We are so blessed to be working with all of you. We are sending the spark of free flowing energy of love your way. Let it envolope your whole being.  Know it is so. 

Many wonderful changes are enveloping you.  You are beginning to notice coincidences to be happening all around you.  You are meeting people and situations in a loving and orderly manner.  Gossiping is disappearing within and around you.  Your life seems to becoming more structured and free flowing.  All emotional draining energies are peeling off of you.  This peeling away of emotional energies are allowing you to see your true nature.  The more you peel away, the more you see your true wellbeing.  Its important to leave questioning and anazying out of the picture because all it does is inhibit the process of awakening from happening.  Allow the knowing to flow through you and everything will workout perfectly for you. Just trust and have faith that all is in perfect divine order. 

It is Time to See the Spark Within You

It is time to let go of all fear, doubt and anger. It is time to be the spark called love.  Allow the spark to awaken inside of you.  Once you do this, others around you will begin to see the spark within themselves.  Let go of the veil that prevented you from seeing the spark within you.  Embrace the spark whole heartedly and it will shine a light ahead of you. Digging deep into the spark at the core of your being will allow for you to see your pure nature. Know it is so.

You are ready to express the innocence you are.  It is time to be free from all that held you down.  You are ready to fly to great heights dear ones.  Keep faith in your hearts and let it's spark shine through you.   It is time for you to remember who you are.  Allow the knowing to burn through you.  We have one last thing to say.  Allowing the energy to shift you to a higher state of consciousness will create doors for others around you to reach the same state.  Blessings of peace, joy and love to you.  The spark in us honors the spark in you.  We are one.  Namaste

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4, 2011

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  We are very blessed to be working with all of you. It is time to start practicing with the energy flowing through you.  The energy flowing through you is the input.  The information you are gathering is the processing of this energy.  The output is putting the information out into the open.  That is what it means when we are saying that you are processing the energy flowing through you.  This processing is ready to output to others around you.  You will be speaking of the information you have gathered, from the processing of them in the past two months in the coming days.  You are going to be relaying this information, so that others can shift to a higher state of consciousness like yourselves.  

The knowing is allowing you to see who you truly are.  It is time to remember why you have been brought to this planet.  You all have come here to assist in the grand awakening of the lost souls on this planet.  It is time to bring them out of their shells and show them the way.  It is time to spread the universal message. We are truly blessed with the courage of all of you coming to this planet in the past 1 to 90 plus years. This courage is a gift for all of you.  By doing this, you all are now Masters of Light.  We call this graduation.  Now, You are ready to be indoctrinated into the Leadership Role in the fifth dimensional realm.  You are going to be perceived as Angels to the lost souls on this planet.  You will understand that all are angels on this planet.  The only difference is that many are just trapped in the ego based thinking.  This type of thinking prevents the lost souls from seeing their true essence.  The light flowing out of you will show them the way. Know it is so.  

We are truly blessed to be working with you.  We know you are truly blessed with working with us as well..  The road ahead of you is straight and free flowing now.  The light shining through you is shining on the road ahead of you.  Keep on shining, it is forever yours.  Peace and Blessings to you dear ones.  The light within us is one with the light within you.  Namaste

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello dear ones.  It is a joy to be speaking to all of you.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.  The process of ascension is speeding up in many light cities right now.  The power of the energy is buring all the ego based patters.  Many example of the ego base patterns are hate, fear, doubt, anger, low self esteem, arrogance, temptation and lust.  It is creating surges of energy that is causing a detoxification in you.  It is preparing you for the new way of being.  Your body is becoming crystalline in structure.  In these times it is important to drink plenty of water, fruit and vegetables.  Th acceleration of the energy that is flowing through you is intensifying.  Th intesification of the surges of energy isn't going to stop.  The process is going to keep working on you.  It will cause electrical sensations, twitches and muscle movements throughout your body.  You may even feel that your head is expanding outwards.  You will start to have visions in dreams and throughout your waking state.  You will start to tap into the universal knowledge from the Akashic Records.  The Akashic Records are the library of all knowing you are learning to tap into the genius that is flowing through you.  You will notice the synchronicities that are happening all around you.  Everything will become in perfect order throughout your daily activities.  You will find joys in your daily activities.  Telepathic abilities are going to manifest quickly for you.  It will get to the point that you know the ones who have the knowing of the universal knowledge flowing through them.  You will look at each other in the eye and smile.  You will also start to be drawn to a place at a specific time with a knowing of meeting others like yourselves.  You wil all speak of the knowing and share the universal wisdom flowing through all of you.  You all will be tapping into abilities that are beyond your imagination.  Many examples are working with the earth, air, fire, water and heaven.  You will be able to teleport, quickly manifest objects out of no where, move objects without touching them, alter the landscape around you and work with the weather systems.  You will all learn to utilize new abilites with one another. It is vital to take no ownership in these abilities.  Know that this all part of the process.  Have faith and trust in the journey of awakening.  We are thankful for the progress you have made recently.  You are all truly blessed.  We are looking forward to working with all of you dear ones.  The light in us are one with the light in you.  Namaste

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  We have noticed that a major transformation has taken place in many on your planet in the past month. You are opening up to the free flowing god energy.  Letting ego go is allowing the god energy to flow through you easily. Know it's all in perfect divine order. 

The allowance of the shift is the embracing of change.  Just know that it's all about the process of shifting to a higher perspective.  You are rising up another level in consciousness.  You are going to be utilizing a  100 percent of your brain.  Allow the god energy to flow through you. Be open to the change that is hitting you.  You are ready to go up to the next level in spiritual growth.  It is time to be the person you are meant to be. In the changes, you may notice an opening of new energies flowing through you.  You will see that others are shifting like yourself. It is known as the domino effect.  Collectively humanity is rising to new heights in consciousness.  Just let the knowing to flow through you.  don't analyze the process of this shift.  Just know that everything is in perfect alignment.  Humanity has reached it's highest potential in physical evolution.  You have been preparing for this moment for a very long time.  It is time to develop the gifts that are being given to you.  You will see the world collapsing around you because a new system is coming to your world.  Everything has to collapse around you because of this new system manifesting itself.  This new world will be unlike anything you ever experienced on planet earth.

A cleansing process will be happening on earth as well.  You will be learning to respect nature.  You will no longer harm the animal and plant kingdoms with ego based technologies.  You are going to work with the animal and plant kingdoms.  You will respect all the elements knowns as earth, air, fire and water.  Be of no concern about the problems of the world.  Focus on all the miracles that are happening around you.  You will be laughing with all those who are shifting around you.  It will be a common occurence to be talking about this magnificent change happening on your planet.  These talks are going to be happening a lot very soon in your light cities that are ready to shine.  These cities were actually hidden from dark energies as a protection.  It is time to lift the veil that hidden them from the dark masters.

Remember, this process is a grand event.  Know that everything is happening perfectly.  You are truly blessed dear ones.  Just know that we will be joining you very soon.  We are your family.  We were never seperate.  We just had to step back and watch you, until divine intervention comes into play.  It is time to join hands again.  Allow faith and trust to shine in your heart.  Spread the love.  Blessings of light pure ones.  Namaste

Sunday, February 27, 2011

January to February Energy Report

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.  In the past two months there has been extensive changes on your planet.  Know that all is in divine order.  Trust this process.  Know that all is well with you. Now, we would like to share the energy report with you.  Blessings of Light.

January 11, 2011

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.  Recently, there was a major energetic shift. This shift was caused by the polar magnetic field change earlier this month. The magnetic field change has allowed higher dimensional energies to enter the earths atmosphere. We have came to the point in our state of consciousness that a shift is hitting millions of souls right now. The changes have brought about strange events like mass animal deaths and unusual changes in the weather. These things have happened before during times of intense evolution. Do not fear these mass deaths. The fish and birds have chosen to collectively leave this planet. They had to shed their skin’s so they can collectively become a new species, so the next generation of these species of birds and fish can evolve to the next level in consciousness. The change can also come in the form of intense anxiety, fear and anger, especially among those who are awakening right now. These emotions surface because you fear the change in you. You need to trust this change and allow the new energies to flow through you. Not letting it in will stir up more anxiety and fear. So let it in. Those who have stepped beyond ego have the ability to become the next wave of light workers to arrive on this planet. It’s like water has finally given you the necessary nutrients to grow the dormant seed in your consciousness right now. Just let the energy to shift your body. Don’t fear this change. Trust the process.

You are the ones who will gather many others like you this year.
Just know that everything will workout perfectly because the right people will come to you. Those who don’t resonate will not be able to handle the energy of the lightworkers who are gathering right now. You are preparing to be the angelic beings you were meant to be. You are joining the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light once again. There are those who aren’t ready right now. They won’t be ready until future shifts. It’s time to gather the wave of souls who are awakening right now. You will join others who have awakened previously. Those who choose to stay in third density right now won’t partake in the present shift. We have to realize that these negative energies were meant to be shown to you. They may cause strange physical symptoms like body aches and shakes. It’s important to allow these changes to hit you. These negative emotions are showing you a fear that has been with you for a very long time. Just observe the fears and let them go. They no longer are part of you. It is time to realize the true light you are.

There are many choices in this time frame. You get to choose what you desire to manifest. You will be surprised that manifestation will become much quicker for you. You will be seeing more miracles around you. The miracles are messages to you to keep going on your present path.

February 8, 2011

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.The energies of February are very intense like January.  There will be powerful surges of energies hitting the planet throughout the month.  The weather has been very intense globally.  Plus, the situation in Egypt is a manifestation of the powerful energies hitting the planet.  The energies are stirring up deep scarred emotions that have been hidden for a very long time.  Many people are feeling a lot of stuff like anxiety, anger, fear and doubt.  Many are even experiencing states of bliss and joy hit them after periods of sadness. 

There are beings known as walkins in this world.  Walkins have come here to assist the lightworkers who are ready to shine for the first time. Lightworkers are joining the rank with the fifth dimensional beings.  Walkins are beings who lived in the fifth dimensional frequency before.  Some example of walk ins are Mary, Jesus, Buddha, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Junior, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon and so on.  Walkins are getting ready to join the Leadership role in the fifth dimension.
The will power energy is developing in many walkins right now.  This energy is preparing the walk ins who will be coming out of their hidden shells.  It is time for the walkins to show themselves to the world.  Like we had said before it is the year of the gathering.  Walkins are connecting with many others like themselves right now.   It is time for walkins to come out of their frameworks and go out and shine light upon the lightworkers.     

The world is getting to the point where the dark and light are polarizing.  Once this happens, walkins will be hit with a surge of energy that will alter their perspective totally.  They will remember their true potential and nature.  They will finally see truly why they were sent here.  It will be like a new person has awakened inside of them.  The walkins will radiate at a fifth dimensional frequency.  The babies who are born this year will radiate at the same frequency as well.  This will help assist with the future dimensional shifts that will happen in the next year collectively.  The walkins were sent here to assist in the spiritual awakening. 

It is important to stay in faith and trust.  Keep allowing the energies of faith and trust to shine in your heart dear ones.  This will ease your transition to a higher dimensional frequency.  Allow the changes to happen to you.  By inhibiting the changes, you will be stirring up instability.  This instability will come in the form of physical, emotional and spiritual pain.  So let the change happen and the gate will open up for you. Soon you will be at home in the universe again.   You are our brothers and sisters. We are one.  Namaste

February 11, 2011

Hello dear ones. We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light. The energies are rippling throughout the planet.  It started to build in great intensity on the 10th of February.  Then suddenly it was released today on the 11th hour  Easter Standard Time, 11th day and 11th year.  The release came from one of the major power centers on our planet earth.; Cairo, Egypt well known for it’s Pyramids.  The energy has been growing there for  the past couple of weeks.  Suddenly, with the President finally resigning his role in Egypt created a powerful energy release that channeled through out all the grids on planet earth.  It is effecting the collective consciousness of our planet.  It is speaking to humanity’s DNA by awakening a code that has been dormant for a very long time.  This message of liberation in their country is a message to liberation within yourselves.  You now have the power to liberate yourselves from the negativities of fear and the government that are controlling.  This power center is the key that opens the doorway to a bright future for you.    The awakening is growing every minute, hour and day.  The ascension process is going accordingly to the divine plan.  It is to be trusted.  At times the energies may feel very uncomfortable to your bodies because you are learning to deal with the higher vibrational energies flowing through you.  The liberation of Egypt from their President will be effecting you in the coming days.  A lot of shifting will happen within you.  It can come in forms of a twitching, tingling, body movements and heat.  At times you may feel like your head is expanding.  Trust this energy that is flowing through you today and the coming days.  The energies are coming at a good pace for you.  If the powerful energies would have came all at once, you would have died physically because your body wouldn’t be able to adjust to it.  Instead, Earth wanted to make sure that this process would be slow for you.  This slow surge of energies coming in from space is allowing you to adjust to the energies hitting the planet.  This process will be gradual for you.  Plus, the energies are getting stronger all the time.  These energies are helping your DNA awaken to it’s full potential.  You will become the angelic beings you were meant to be.  Feel this change hit you.  Embrace the new energies coming to you.  Trust and have faith that all will work well for you.  We are your heavenly family.  We will be assisting all of you through this process, so you can handle the new energies coming to you.  If you feel ungrounded, just ask for guidance from us and our Angelic friends.  You will be at home with us in the Universe sometime in the future dear ones.  We are one.  Blessings to you.  Namaste