Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello dear ones.  It is a joy to be speaking to all of you.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.  The process of ascension is speeding up in many light cities right now.  The power of the energy is buring all the ego based patters.  Many example of the ego base patterns are hate, fear, doubt, anger, low self esteem, arrogance, temptation and lust.  It is creating surges of energy that is causing a detoxification in you.  It is preparing you for the new way of being.  Your body is becoming crystalline in structure.  In these times it is important to drink plenty of water, fruit and vegetables.  Th acceleration of the energy that is flowing through you is intensifying.  Th intesification of the surges of energy isn't going to stop.  The process is going to keep working on you.  It will cause electrical sensations, twitches and muscle movements throughout your body.  You may even feel that your head is expanding outwards.  You will start to have visions in dreams and throughout your waking state.  You will start to tap into the universal knowledge from the Akashic Records.  The Akashic Records are the library of all knowing you are learning to tap into the genius that is flowing through you.  You will notice the synchronicities that are happening all around you.  Everything will become in perfect order throughout your daily activities.  You will find joys in your daily activities.  Telepathic abilities are going to manifest quickly for you.  It will get to the point that you know the ones who have the knowing of the universal knowledge flowing through them.  You will look at each other in the eye and smile.  You will also start to be drawn to a place at a specific time with a knowing of meeting others like yourselves.  You wil all speak of the knowing and share the universal wisdom flowing through all of you.  You all will be tapping into abilities that are beyond your imagination.  Many examples are working with the earth, air, fire, water and heaven.  You will be able to teleport, quickly manifest objects out of no where, move objects without touching them, alter the landscape around you and work with the weather systems.  You will all learn to utilize new abilites with one another. It is vital to take no ownership in these abilities.  Know that this all part of the process.  Have faith and trust in the journey of awakening.  We are thankful for the progress you have made recently.  You are all truly blessed.  We are looking forward to working with all of you dear ones.  The light in us are one with the light in you.  Namaste

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