Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Power Moon Wave/March 22, 2010

Channeled Through Eric Breault


Hello beloveds, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  So much has happened in the past week, in relation to the moon and spring equinox.  The process of ascension actually went up another level because of the intensity of the moon.  The moon is at it's closest in almost two decades.  This caused a lot of push and pull with the moon and earth.  The pressure of the moon being at it's closest actually attributed the Japanese earthquake to happen.  The earth's plate tectonics are very sensitive right now.  The sensitivities are creating greater chances of seismic activity throughout the ring of fire. Important to keep yourself in a state of faith and love throughout the major changes going on in Japan and other areas along the ring of fire.  Just know that all is well.  There are many miracles happening around you.  It is important to focus on the grand things that are happening in your life.
The Connection
There is a connection with the loosening and tightening of the plate tectonics with the loosening and tightening of the the human skull, especially on top of the head area.  You may notice headaches, head expansion, strange energy sensations and twitches in the head area.  The rearrangement of the skull is reflecting the rearrangement of the plates on earth. Trust this process of the shifting of your head area.  This process of the head area shifting is all preparing for you to what is to come.  You are going to start to awaken to the intuitive abilities that was lost among all of you a long time ago.  You are truly ready for regaining these abilities that you are meant to be utilized.  Just know that all is in divine order.  

The Noticing/Conclusion

You also may notice a lot more energy surges flowing through your body.  Your dreams maybe heightened and dramatic.  It is vital that you do not be attached to the changes that you are noticing throughout your body.  Just let the process do it's thing.  Allow the energy to flow through you freely like the water channeling down the mountain.  Enjoy the ride dear ones.  You are truly becoming the enlightened being you are.  You are preparing yourself for the new way of being.  We are truly blessed in the work you have done so far.  Keep up the wonderful work.  All the work you have done in the past are going to reap rewards this year.  Trust and know it is so.  The blessing of light within us shines the blessing of light within you.  We are one.  Namaste

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