Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11th, 2011/Energy Wave

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello beloveds, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.  You may have noticed strange energies in the past few days.  It has been building in the past week.   You may have noticed unusual body twitches and movements caused by the building of energy.  This building of energy among many of you is reflecting the building of energy just off the coast of Japan.  Now, you are releasing the energy that has building inside of you on the 11th day and 11th year of March.  Remember, the symbol of 11 11 is a gateway to ascension.  You are shaking off all the dense energy that has been with you for a long time.  Just like the earthquake releasing the density of mother earth Gaia.  We emphasize that the earthquake in Japan isn't meant to bring about fear in many of you. It's vital that you focus on the love that is building inside of you.  Trust the process of allowing the love to build and envelope your whole being.  The best you can do for Japan is pray, send healing and protection to them.  Just know that all is well with them.  You will see that many around the world are going to help that country recuperate from this mega disaster.  It will actually bring the world closer together.  All great things come from a disaster.  There will be more to follow this year.  Just know that the disasters this year are meant to shift you to a higher state of consciousness and bring about positive change throughout your planet.

In the coming days you are going to feel an expansion of consciousness with unusual dreams.  You will start to remember many past life experiences.  There will also be a feeling of constant deja-vu (familiarity) in your everyday experiences.  You will notice people shifting a lot more around you.  The road ahead of you is straight and smooth.  Know it is so.

We are very impressed by the wonderful progress you have made in the past week.  Just know that we are working with you.  We would like for you to view us as not higher, but equal.  It is important to express thanks towards us as well.  We always thank you for teaching us that strength and perseverance can happen in a fear based world like yours.  Gratitude is going to be a way of life for all of you.  You are truly blessed dear ones.  It's an honor to be working with all of you.  The light in us respects the light in you.  Namaste


  1. Thanks for confirming this past week. My "shifts" show up in the form of stomach angst. It also played out very strongly in some family members. Confirmation is soothing.

    Much gratitude to those taking part in delivering these messages.

  2. This energy shift is intense. Trauma and rage from this incarnation and others has surfaced to the point I can barely control it at times. Allowing the feelings to surface and be released with the help of meditation and prayer. Asking Archangel Raphael for healing...Release comes....Interesting too the appearance of much unexplained physical pain-back, feet, hands, headaches and electric "buzzing" on my scalp...Wish these changes would happen quickly and move on so I can be my normal optimistic crazy self! These posts help a lot Eric. Thank you....
