Channeled Through Eric Breault
Hello beloved family, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the divine. We are noticing a lot of issues surfacing in many right now, as many start to join the awakening process. The dramas and challenges are teaching lessons of choices to either wake up or watch out. Those who choose to stay in their imbalanced ways will be hit by major lessons that will cause pain, hardship and old patterns surface. These lessons are the universes way of redirecting these people inwards to find the divinity that has been locked away for eons throughout humanity.
As many souls awaken, they have to face the inner demons that they created through fear, doubt, anger, sadness, hate and many other imbalanced lower dimensional thought patterns. This will cause a brief difficult period for these group of people across the planet. It also will cause the next pattern of spiritual awakening that's going to vibrate throughout your planet. These group of people will have the opportunity to shift to a higher state of awareness by facing these issues or blockages that has been dormant through their genetic lineage and past life experiences.
A KNOWING is going to start to hit those have awakened in previous years. This will cause an acceloration of energy right through the 11/11/11 Gateway matrix shift. This time is one of the most powerful times energetically to hit your planet. It will be one of the best times ever to meditate and pray. We see many of you start to actually incorporate meditation and prayers in your lives regularly during this time frame and beyond. It will be your traditional way of living from here on out. This time is when you realize faithfully that divine connection truly happens through meditation and prayer. You are truly regaining the memory that the connection with the divine is vital to create a balanced life for you.
We are very impressed with the work you all have done throughout the past month. We can feel the acceloration happening across your planet, solar system and galaxy. Keep up the great work. Remember to breath, relax, let go and be the person you are meant to be. You all are truly divine beings. It is time to take a stand and remember your divinity. The divine in us salutes the divine within you. We are one. Namaste
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