Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oneness Matrix System

Hello beloved ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. We are noticing the break down of the present 3rd dimensional control matrix system. It is intensifying as we speak. This break down will allow for you to develop the ability to work with the new higher dimensional matrix system that is being devoloped in the coming years and decade. This break down of the 3rd dimensional matrix system will also allow for you to develop a concept of the oneness matrix. This oneness matrix will allow for you to go beyond your separation from god. You are truly ready to see your oneness connection with source energy, god or whatever you call this hierarchical being. Know it is so.
The oneness matrix system will assist you in creating a bridge between the 3rd and 4th dimension, which will allow you to reach the 5th dimensional state of consciousness. The new 5th dimensional energy will allow you to tap into the freedom of who you truly are. You are going to realize your oneness connection with all living things. This oneness connection in the higer dimensions is a true expression of the divine.

The bridge between the 3rd dimensional earth and 4th dimensional heaven is presently thinning. This process of thinning has been going on since 2008. The thinning of these two dimensional realms will allow many to start walking to the new 5th dimensional world where heaven and earth becomes one. You are all preparing to leave the fear based world to an all loving one. Have faith and trust the process. Know it is so.

Achieving the oneness state in the higher dimensional matrix system will allow for you to become true masters in the 3rd dimension. Being masters means you are graduating to the next level of consciousness in 5th dimensional oneness matrix system. This graduation will truly be fulfilled once you find the strength in overcoming all challenges and obstacles that come your way. Plus, you will see that you are truly a divine being who has a strong sense of well being and self worth.
Your present 3rd dimensional matrix body is expanding to the 5th. The 5th dimensional energy will give you the power to truly express your benevolent nature. You are regaining memory of the lost and hidden gifts. In the coming years, the gifts will be fully expressed in the new 5th dimensional earth matrix system..

You may not see us in spirit, but we are with you at heart. We are preparing the bridge in the 4th dimensional heavenly realm, while you prepare the bridge in the 3rd dimensional earth realm. Just know that the ascension process is coming together perfectly according to god’s plan. Know that divine intervention is at it’s play right now. You are truly ready to trust your oneness connection with the universe. Allow the oneness matrix to flow freely through you. It is time to be the stars in the heavens.

We appreciate all the wonderful work you have accomplished. We know you will accomplish a lot more in the coming year. Keep up with the wonderful work beloved ones. The shining star in us embraces the shining star in you. We are one. Namaste

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The 2012 Shift

Hello dear ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Divine.  We have noticed a lot of changes in your weather recently.  This will continue on throughout the year.  We have told you in in past posts that this would happen throughout the year.  The extreme weather is reflecting the extreme purging and releasing that is going on within you.  The earth is purging just as much as you.  This dramatic change in your climate is also going to redirect you towards balance and stability in yourselves.  You will begin to question the way you are treating your climate.  This change is presently unstoppable because earth is going through a major transition as well.  The dramatic changes is a precursor to the major cleansing that will happen across your planet through the coming year and beyond. 

You will begin to see a great respect towards the nature of your planet.  Realizing that there are technologies that can collaborate with all the elements that exist on your planet.  You will begin to embrace the 5th element known as the divine.   Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Esther (Divine).   The key ingredient to creating a higher dimensional planetary system is allowing the Divinity to participate in the elemental system.  This hasn't been the case in the past.  It is time to realize that Divinity plays a major role in manifesting all the other elements.  Combining all of these elements will begin to create a powerful spark that will fire up the consciousness of humanity.  There are those who refuse to believe that the divine exists.  This refusal is about to end for those who are ready to participate in a higher dimensional matrix system that is beginning to manifest and take the place of your present third dimensional matrix system.  This major change in dimensional matrix is called "The Shift". 

Your planetary system is presently going through a major shift unlike any other.  There has been shifts in a smaller scale happening across your planet in the past 100 plus years.  There appears to be an acceleration of shifts as you collectively walked through timeline of the last century.  The acceleration has increased substantially when you entered this new century and millennium.  The present changes in your economy and climate is the precursor to the grand shift that is about to hit the magnetic field 3rd dimensional matrix system.  The old system is about to die off, so the new can take it's place.

 The shift is effecting the molecular and DNA structure of your species, plants, animals, planet, sun and solar system as the Galactic Sun in the center of your Milky Way sends powerful magnetic solar waves outwards through the whole galaxy.   You will begin to notice the sun getting more active as the year progresses. This change in your sun is part of a natural process of ascension that will vibrate through the Milky Way System that you presently reside in.

You will notice that many waves of energy will be surging through your whole being.  This will cause a lot of instability because you are learning to assimilate the higher frequencies that are flowing through you.  The process of adjusting to the higher dimensional energies will cause headaches, intense physical pain, emotional pain, heart palpitations, twitches, crawling sensations and ringing of the ears.  A body not used to the higher dimensional energies will react in a way that appears to be negative. A lower dimensional body needs to adjust to the higher frequencies that are preparing it to rise dimensionally.

You may have noticed shifts recently that caused drama to surface amongst many.  This can cause people to react in a manner that is inappropriate.  The reasoning for this is that imbalanced energies are surfacing.  Many are preparing to face past karma that caused instability in their present third dimensional matrix. The dirt needs to surface in order for a rise in dimensional energy to take place. 

You will begin to notice that many are beginning to change lower dimensional ways of being that includes drama and over indulging in toxic substances. Plus, collectively you are beginning to focus on the self rather than being concerned about others.   In order for the higher frequencies to shift you, many changes needs to take place in each of you individually.  There are those who may refuse to change their lower dimensional ways of being, but this will cause more instability to manifest in their life.   The process of the shift is different for everyone.  Some it maybe more intense than others because of how much they embrace the change.

Trust is the key in going through the process shifting to a higher state in consciousness.  Remember, we are here to assist you.  All you have to do is embrace the divine energies that flow through you.  Through meditation and prayer, we will guide you in all areas of your life.  We are truly one family.  Namaste

Monday, February 20, 2012

Divine Connection

Hello beloveds. we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Divine.  We have noticed that there are more and more souls awakening to their divine nature.  They are realizing their oneness connection with the divine.  This divine connection is the next leap in consciosness that humanity is ready to embark upon.  We understand there are souls who are clueless about this shift that is taking place in many souls in your present 3rd dimensional matrix. These clueless souls are experiencing a lot of drama and chaos in their life.  This is the universe's way of redirecting them towards their divine nature, if they so choose to embrace their divinity.   They all have an opportunity to expand in consciousness by looking within and embracing their true essence.  There are even a percentage of human's who are increasingly becoming more negative and hateful.  They don't want to let go of the old ways of being.  The more they hold onto the old ways, the more imbalanced thought patterns gets attracted to them.  They just refuse to change.  The fear of change will do nothing, but cause an intensification of negative imbalanced emotional energies to blow up.  This will cause some unusual behaviors in many of these lost souls.  It doesn't mean that they can't participate in the awakening.  It is an opportunity for them to shift as well, if they so choose.  

The Divine Connection is nothing but remembering who you are.  To leave the fear based existence and rise to a higher dimensional way of existence.  Tapping into the divinity within you, will allow you to shift and ascend to higher states of consciousness.  This Divine Connection will redirect you back to your true self.  Being true to yourself will allow you to be true to other's.  As a divine being, you will embrace all the challenges that come your way.  By doing this, you will see challenges as lessons where you can rise to a higher state in consciousness.  This expansion in  awareness will allow you to develop new talents and gifts that are beyond your present comprehension.  As you shift, other's around you will do the same.  Everything around you is a mirror.  It's like a domino effect is at play here.  When one shifts, others follow along, like one domino effects all the others as it falls.

The realization of your divinity will allow infinite knowledge to flow through you freely.  You will gather knowledge that will assist you on your individual awakening process.  Knowledge breeds higher levels of understanding about the laws of the universe.    You will begin to experience total alignment with the universe.  Your oneness connection with the divine will allow you to express your oneness connection with the universe.  Grand things will come to you as you ascend to higher levels of consciousness.  The law of attraction will be approached with balanced perspective.  You will have total awareness of the things that are being attracted to you.

Take time in meditation and prayer.   Breath, relax and let go.  Take a stance and welcome your divine connection.   Embrace all the the new information that raises your awareness.  Thank source for the information that allows you to express your divine nature.  See beyond ownership and attachement to everything around you.  Trust and know that everything is in divine order.  Know it is so!!!  The divine in us salutes the divine in you.  Namaste

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Wave/Emotional Intensificaton and Release

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello, We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the divine.  We are in divine connection with god.  We have noticed a powerful storm system moving from the West Coast with a possible tornado and reports of 100 plus mph winds as it moved through California with damages.  This storm system brought about stormy conditions right through the east coast.  The worst of the conditions manifested deadly tornadoes in the southern states.  This system  actually is a manifestation of the powerful energy wave that has been circling your planet.  This system is stirring up a lot of emotional turmoil that has been hidden inside many.  This is also causing the children to become more hyper, silly and losing a sense of boundaries because of their sensitivity to this powerful wave moving through the country.  Remember, children are very open and intune with the energies, so the effect on them is very heightened.  The reasoning for their playful and silly behavior is that they have less issues brought to this earth plane, since they are starseeds or enlightened souls being prepared to assist on the awakening of this planet in the very near future.  Unfortunately, it is different for the older generations because it's stirring up past issues that needs to be released.

You may notice a lot of challenges coming your way.  Recently, you may have experienced an outburst of anger that startled you, having an argument with someone close to you, feeling a sense of grief, crying for no reason, feeling like a doomsday scenario may play out, laughter, epiphanies, bliss and awakening to new heights.  The recent energy wave is causing an emotional intensification that is surfacing among many of you dear ones.  This intensification is releasing the negative blockages that have been making you feel stagnant for a while. This stagnant feeling serves it's purpose to prepare you for the next shift that is about to take place presently.  Now, you are all in the process of releasing the imbalanced energies. 

It is vital that you embrace these emotional energies being released through you presently.  Some of you may have noticed the tickly energy emanating from the children right now.  Allow the energy of their presence flow through you because they are here to assist us on the awakening process.  It doesn't mean they are doing it purposely, it's more like they are just allowing the energy flow through them freely.  That is something many of the older generations are working on right now.  The awakening is all about letting go and trusting the process.  It tends to be more challenging for many of the older human's living throughout your planet.  Being used to the old ways of humanity is a challenge to let go of.  Take time to learn what the children are trying to teach you. They don't label and think about the awakening process.  They just see it as feeling good, laughing and feeling connected with their true self. 

Enjoy the wave that is creating the next leap in consciousness.  Each wave is unique.  This one has a lot more intense emotional anger, fear, guilt and sadness.  Just allow this process to happen.  Remember to be good to yourself when an outburst and relationship issues happen.  Just see this as an opportunity for you to learn and awaken to new heights.  We are truly blessed to be working with you.  Know that everything is in divine order.  The divine in us honors the divine in you.  Namaste 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Be Prepared/2012

Hello Beloved ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Divine.  We have noticed a lot of drama and major challenges playing out in the past few months.  They are intensifying as we go through the early part of this New Year.  It is vital that you be prepared for the major changes that are ahead of you.  These changes are best to be dealt with through daily prayer, meditation, diet and excercise.  You will be noticing a lot of changes in people around you throughout this year. Along with changes in people, you will also see big changes in the climate.  You will see a major jump in the melt of the sea ice this year.  The landmasses and ocean will start to change as well.  This is all part of the natural process of the purification happening on your planet.  This change will give humanity the opporutiny to redirect their thought patterns to a harmonious and balanced one.  There is no doom or gloom that will happen to you.  It is your choice as humanity to either live in a fear based world or a harmonious one.  As a collective, you  will decide which direction you want to go on. There will be those who won't choose the harmonious one, while others who do.  There is no good or bad in the choices you make.  The doors are always open for those who aren't ready to be part of the New Earth that is being made.   

The reasoning for these trials and tribulations during this time frame is because you are all releasing imbalanced thought patterns that needs to be released from this fear based 3rd dimension.  This release will allow for more intense energies to enter your 3rd dimensional matrix.  This will peel away more densities that inhibit you from expressing the divine being that you are.  There will also be a peeling away of the third dimensional matrix that you live in.  This peeling away will be expresses as changes in the climate, landmasses and oceans.  The earth is truly being remade into something grander than what you can conceive of.  It is beyond any comprehension and words.  We can't even explain what your planet will be like.  The transition into the New Earth will be a beautiful and gentle one.  Understand there are those who may not choose to participate on the new earth.  They will choose to experience a different reality elsewhere.  Also there is an opportunity for everyone to totally be part of this transition.  So the door is open to all who choose to partake in it.  There wiill be many surprises in how this year plays out.  We even will be surpised how you take on in the process of awakening.

You will be expressing intense anger, sadness and fear during the process of peeling away densities of your 3rd dimensional matrix blueprint.  We have noticed that the emotional energy in humanity and throughout the planetary grid has been heightened in the past few months.  They will continue through the coming months.  You will be faced with challenges that may come in the form of drama.  This will give you the opportunity to release more density that is trying to stop the process from happening.  You will see that some will start to get lost into the drama and begin to experience some negative addictions that begin to surface. This will come in the form of a rise in crime rates and domestic abuse in the areas that you live in.  Please understand that these things are necessary because it is all part of the process of awakening.  These people going through these imbalanced behaviors are being faced with lessons that will give them the opportunity to redirect their thought patterns towards a harmonious one.  Remember, intense stress is always a precursor to intense change towards a balanced way of being.  

We are truly impressed with the work you have done in the past year.  There has been major leap in bounds.  2011 experienced major change as a species and planet.  You have noticed the changes from countries being liberated from government control and unusual earthquakes and weather conditions.  We want to let you know that this moment is all that counts and keep up the great work. If you thought last year was an eventful one, wait and see what this year has in store for you.  We are looking forward to seeing how you progress this year.  We are truly blessed to be working with you.  The divine in us salutes the divine in you.  Namaste