Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oneness Matrix System

Hello beloved ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. We are noticing the break down of the present 3rd dimensional control matrix system. It is intensifying as we speak. This break down will allow for you to develop the ability to work with the new higher dimensional matrix system that is being devoloped in the coming years and decade. This break down of the 3rd dimensional matrix system will also allow for you to develop a concept of the oneness matrix. This oneness matrix will allow for you to go beyond your separation from god. You are truly ready to see your oneness connection with source energy, god or whatever you call this hierarchical being. Know it is so.
The oneness matrix system will assist you in creating a bridge between the 3rd and 4th dimension, which will allow you to reach the 5th dimensional state of consciousness. The new 5th dimensional energy will allow you to tap into the freedom of who you truly are. You are going to realize your oneness connection with all living things. This oneness connection in the higer dimensions is a true expression of the divine.

The bridge between the 3rd dimensional earth and 4th dimensional heaven is presently thinning. This process of thinning has been going on since 2008. The thinning of these two dimensional realms will allow many to start walking to the new 5th dimensional world where heaven and earth becomes one. You are all preparing to leave the fear based world to an all loving one. Have faith and trust the process. Know it is so.

Achieving the oneness state in the higher dimensional matrix system will allow for you to become true masters in the 3rd dimension. Being masters means you are graduating to the next level of consciousness in 5th dimensional oneness matrix system. This graduation will truly be fulfilled once you find the strength in overcoming all challenges and obstacles that come your way. Plus, you will see that you are truly a divine being who has a strong sense of well being and self worth.
Your present 3rd dimensional matrix body is expanding to the 5th. The 5th dimensional energy will give you the power to truly express your benevolent nature. You are regaining memory of the lost and hidden gifts. In the coming years, the gifts will be fully expressed in the new 5th dimensional earth matrix system..

You may not see us in spirit, but we are with you at heart. We are preparing the bridge in the 4th dimensional heavenly realm, while you prepare the bridge in the 3rd dimensional earth realm. Just know that the ascension process is coming together perfectly according to god’s plan. Know that divine intervention is at it’s play right now. You are truly ready to trust your oneness connection with the universe. Allow the oneness matrix to flow freely through you. It is time to be the stars in the heavens.

We appreciate all the wonderful work you have accomplished. We know you will accomplish a lot more in the coming year. Keep up with the wonderful work beloved ones. The shining star in us embraces the shining star in you. We are one. Namaste