Sunday, February 27, 2011

January to February Energy Report

Channeled Through Eric Breault

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.  In the past two months there has been extensive changes on your planet.  Know that all is in divine order.  Trust this process.  Know that all is well with you. Now, we would like to share the energy report with you.  Blessings of Light.

January 11, 2011

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.  Recently, there was a major energetic shift. This shift was caused by the polar magnetic field change earlier this month. The magnetic field change has allowed higher dimensional energies to enter the earths atmosphere. We have came to the point in our state of consciousness that a shift is hitting millions of souls right now. The changes have brought about strange events like mass animal deaths and unusual changes in the weather. These things have happened before during times of intense evolution. Do not fear these mass deaths. The fish and birds have chosen to collectively leave this planet. They had to shed their skin’s so they can collectively become a new species, so the next generation of these species of birds and fish can evolve to the next level in consciousness. The change can also come in the form of intense anxiety, fear and anger, especially among those who are awakening right now. These emotions surface because you fear the change in you. You need to trust this change and allow the new energies to flow through you. Not letting it in will stir up more anxiety and fear. So let it in. Those who have stepped beyond ego have the ability to become the next wave of light workers to arrive on this planet. It’s like water has finally given you the necessary nutrients to grow the dormant seed in your consciousness right now. Just let the energy to shift your body. Don’t fear this change. Trust the process.

You are the ones who will gather many others like you this year.
Just know that everything will workout perfectly because the right people will come to you. Those who don’t resonate will not be able to handle the energy of the lightworkers who are gathering right now. You are preparing to be the angelic beings you were meant to be. You are joining the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light once again. There are those who aren’t ready right now. They won’t be ready until future shifts. It’s time to gather the wave of souls who are awakening right now. You will join others who have awakened previously. Those who choose to stay in third density right now won’t partake in the present shift. We have to realize that these negative energies were meant to be shown to you. They may cause strange physical symptoms like body aches and shakes. It’s important to allow these changes to hit you. These negative emotions are showing you a fear that has been with you for a very long time. Just observe the fears and let them go. They no longer are part of you. It is time to realize the true light you are.

There are many choices in this time frame. You get to choose what you desire to manifest. You will be surprised that manifestation will become much quicker for you. You will be seeing more miracles around you. The miracles are messages to you to keep going on your present path.

February 8, 2011

Hello dear ones.  We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light.The energies of February are very intense like January.  There will be powerful surges of energies hitting the planet throughout the month.  The weather has been very intense globally.  Plus, the situation in Egypt is a manifestation of the powerful energies hitting the planet.  The energies are stirring up deep scarred emotions that have been hidden for a very long time.  Many people are feeling a lot of stuff like anxiety, anger, fear and doubt.  Many are even experiencing states of bliss and joy hit them after periods of sadness. 

There are beings known as walkins in this world.  Walkins have come here to assist the lightworkers who are ready to shine for the first time. Lightworkers are joining the rank with the fifth dimensional beings.  Walkins are beings who lived in the fifth dimensional frequency before.  Some example of walk ins are Mary, Jesus, Buddha, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Junior, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon and so on.  Walkins are getting ready to join the Leadership role in the fifth dimension.
The will power energy is developing in many walkins right now.  This energy is preparing the walk ins who will be coming out of their hidden shells.  It is time for the walkins to show themselves to the world.  Like we had said before it is the year of the gathering.  Walkins are connecting with many others like themselves right now.   It is time for walkins to come out of their frameworks and go out and shine light upon the lightworkers.     

The world is getting to the point where the dark and light are polarizing.  Once this happens, walkins will be hit with a surge of energy that will alter their perspective totally.  They will remember their true potential and nature.  They will finally see truly why they were sent here.  It will be like a new person has awakened inside of them.  The walkins will radiate at a fifth dimensional frequency.  The babies who are born this year will radiate at the same frequency as well.  This will help assist with the future dimensional shifts that will happen in the next year collectively.  The walkins were sent here to assist in the spiritual awakening. 

It is important to stay in faith and trust.  Keep allowing the energies of faith and trust to shine in your heart dear ones.  This will ease your transition to a higher dimensional frequency.  Allow the changes to happen to you.  By inhibiting the changes, you will be stirring up instability.  This instability will come in the form of physical, emotional and spiritual pain.  So let the change happen and the gate will open up for you. Soon you will be at home in the universe again.   You are our brothers and sisters. We are one.  Namaste

February 11, 2011

Hello dear ones. We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of light. The energies are rippling throughout the planet.  It started to build in great intensity on the 10th of February.  Then suddenly it was released today on the 11th hour  Easter Standard Time, 11th day and 11th year.  The release came from one of the major power centers on our planet earth.; Cairo, Egypt well known for it’s Pyramids.  The energy has been growing there for  the past couple of weeks.  Suddenly, with the President finally resigning his role in Egypt created a powerful energy release that channeled through out all the grids on planet earth.  It is effecting the collective consciousness of our planet.  It is speaking to humanity’s DNA by awakening a code that has been dormant for a very long time.  This message of liberation in their country is a message to liberation within yourselves.  You now have the power to liberate yourselves from the negativities of fear and the government that are controlling.  This power center is the key that opens the doorway to a bright future for you.    The awakening is growing every minute, hour and day.  The ascension process is going accordingly to the divine plan.  It is to be trusted.  At times the energies may feel very uncomfortable to your bodies because you are learning to deal with the higher vibrational energies flowing through you.  The liberation of Egypt from their President will be effecting you in the coming days.  A lot of shifting will happen within you.  It can come in forms of a twitching, tingling, body movements and heat.  At times you may feel like your head is expanding.  Trust this energy that is flowing through you today and the coming days.  The energies are coming at a good pace for you.  If the powerful energies would have came all at once, you would have died physically because your body wouldn’t be able to adjust to it.  Instead, Earth wanted to make sure that this process would be slow for you.  This slow surge of energies coming in from space is allowing you to adjust to the energies hitting the planet.  This process will be gradual for you.  Plus, the energies are getting stronger all the time.  These energies are helping your DNA awaken to it’s full potential.  You will become the angelic beings you were meant to be.  Feel this change hit you.  Embrace the new energies coming to you.  Trust and have faith that all will work well for you.  We are your heavenly family.  We will be assisting all of you through this process, so you can handle the new energies coming to you.  If you feel ungrounded, just ask for guidance from us and our Angelic friends.  You will be at home with us in the Universe sometime in the future dear ones.  We are one.  Blessings to you.  Namaste